A Extra-Curricular Program

Our extra-curricular program stimulates development by exposing your children to their 5 senses. It promotes language and movement.

Language: Children who learn another language before the age of five years use the same part of the brain to acquire that second language that they use to learn their mother tongue. Children are also uninhibited by the fear of making mistakes, which can be an obstacle for older beginners.

According to research, bilingual children have improved reading, writing and math skills. Not to mention, children who are exposed early to other languages display more positive attitudes to the cultures associated with those languages.

Language classes will be offered a part of our Nurtured program.

Movement: Our Nurtured Body Program goes far beyond being play-based. Yes, everything we do promotes play although with underlying reasons and benefits and a part of this is how we promote movement.

The Nurtured body program promotes a healthy mind and body:


To help children grow, we take them on the journey and this includes a cooking program.

  • Cooking helps children build basic skills including numeracy as they count eggs or pour water and literacy as they follow step by step instructions.
  • Cooking encourages healthy eating as the children are able to make their own dishes and therefore try what they make.
  • Cooking activates children’s senses as they can touch, smell and taste different ingredients which they use to make final dishes.
  • Cooking boosts confidence as children love to show what they can do and a kitchen is an opportunity to gain a sense of accomplishment.


At Nurtured Education and care, children are exposed to engineering arts and technology.

  • Arts promotes mental, physical creative and cognitive development.
  • With technology advancing, so are our children. At Nurtured Education and Care we teach children coding so they learn to communicate with a computer, challenge themselves, learn to problem solve and be creative in the process.


Yoga is both the body and mind. 

At Nurtured we understand the benefits of yoga and tailor it to each child. We support concentrated breathing to help manage anxiety and stress, improve emotional regulation and maintain balance, flexibility, concentration and memory. At Nurtured, we embed yoga into our program to support the transition into the big world.


Keeping active through physical activity and sport has many benefits for the body. These benefits include bone health, cardiovascular fitness, decreased risk of obesity, improved sleep and better coordination and balance. Putting aside the physical benefits, it also allows children to have encouragement from our educators who role-model and inspire. It also allows children to feel part of a team where they are praised for doing their best, learn to cooperate and share, be resilient, set personal goals and build overall relationships. It also allows children to adopt life skills.

High Quality Programs

Caring & Nurturing

Community Connection


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